Chicago residents ask, “When are symptoms more than typical morning sickness?”
As an early symptom of pregnancy, morning sickness including nausea and vomiting can linger for the first trimester. With a location in Chicago, the physicians of Northwestern Women’s Health Associates offer complete prenatal care to promote the health of the mother and unborn child.
Common sign of pregnancy
Starting around the sixth week, morning sickness is an early sign of pregnancy. The feeling of nausea is often a result of increased hormones in the body. It may be accompanied by vomiting.
Morning sickness is a common symptom of pregnancy. More than 50 percent of women get some form of morning sickness. Although it is called morning sickness, the nausea and vomiting can strike at any point during the day. For some women, it may last all day and night. Morning sickness usually subsides by the second trimester.
Tips to feel better
There are tips to help ease your symptoms.
- Eat small meals frequently, and do not skip meals.
- Drink fluids before or after meals but not while eating.
- Sip fluids throughout the day to avoid dehydration.
- Get plenty of rest.
- Try to stay cool, being too warm can add to nausea.
- Eat crackers before getting out of bed in the morning.
- Do not lie down after eating.
- Avoid spicy foods.
- Avoid acidic drinks like orange juice, milk and DHA in vitamin could make one feel worse
Severe symptoms
If you are having significant nausea and vomiting, trouble keeping any food down, or weight loss, contact your doctor. You may have hyperemesis gravidarum. Mild cases may be treated with antacids, rest, and dietary changes. Unisom and vitamin B6 can help. A long acting prescription form is diclegis. Prescrtion Zofran can help Severe cases may require a hospital stay with IV fluids. Severe Hyperemesis gravidarum affects less than 2 percent of pregnant women.
If you are suffering from morning sickness or need prenatal care, contact Northwestern Women’s Health Associates Call today for an appointment. 312-440-9400